Computers and Notebooks

Computers and notebooks are among the most expensive purchases you can make. Why is it then, that so many make an uninformed decision when it comes to their technological needs? It may be because they what they think is a good deal and snatch it up before the sale ends or the item is sold out. Others may just need a new computer quickly to replace one that dies. When shopping for a new computer, you want to make sure you make a good decision that will last you at least a few years. One of the most important considerations will be whether you want a desktop or laptop computer.

Before you decide which type of computer you want, you should think about your needs regarding the item. Computers and notebooks can each be purchased with the same specifications, so you will not have to decide on one type just to get the things you need on the inside. Determine the size of hard drive and RAM you need. Think about the audio and video quality you want the computer to have. Do you need extras such as additional USB ports or webcam? These are all things to think about when buying a computer.

Once you have determined what you need, you begin looking at desktop or laptop computers. The main reason for choosing between the two is primarily your needs for portability. If you travel a good deal and need your computer with you, it is best to go with a laptop. However, if you are simply looking for something to keep on at home, a desktop computer may be a better choice for you. If you decide to go with a laptop, there are additional considerations, such as battery life and weight of the computer that should also be made.

Budget is another factor that should be considered when you are shopping for computers and notebooks. Computers have become a bit more affordable nowadays, but if you want a top of the line brand or model, you should expect to pay top dollar. Desktops tend to be cheaper than laptops, but that is probably because of the ability to carry laptop computers with you where ever you go. No matter which type you choose, there are a number of models that can be purchased for less than $1000.

As you can see, there are a few considerations that you should make before you start to shop for computers and notebooks. With the price of the item, you will want to make a well-informed decision so that the computer will last you several years. Think about the specifications you need, as well as whether you want to buy a desktop or laptop. Also, set a budget so that you do not break the bank when making your computer investment.

Disposing of Your Computers and Hardware Properly

The time will eventually come when you or your business has to get rid of the computer to make room for the new one. The big question that is often asked though, is how and where. This can range from recycling to donating the computer towards an organization or charity. However before you make your decision, you should also consider what you are getting rid of.

Consider the Data on Your Hard Drive
Whenever you delete something off of the hard drive by throwing it away in the recycle bin it is not technically deleted. What happens is that the file is dumped into a section of the hard drive known as "unallocated space." The file will remain there until it is overwritten by a process, or another file being written over it. You can think of it as your hard drive being a giant phone book with the pages as the files. If someone tears out a page of the phone book it does not mean that the numbers that were on that page will stop working. Whenever you dispose of your computer you should either have the drive physically destroyed, or use a program to wipe the entire hard drive. These programs go through and overwrite the data on the hard drive multiple times, thus destroying any information contained on it.

Donating Your Computer to an Organization or Charity
This is probably the best use of your old computer. Not only is the donation tax refundable, but you are providing help to some of these organizations who are often struggling for funds. Just be sure that before you donate it that you have deleted all of the data from the hard drive of the machine.

Recycling Your Old Computer
This is one of the more attractive options for those computers that are too old to be of any use, even when donated, or ones that do not work anymore. Computers and their components are full of heavy and precious metals like gold or lead. They are contain other components that are very harmful and can be dangerous should the their base chemicals make their way down into the local groundwater system. Most computer manufacturers will recycle old equipment when you buy a new computer from them. Check with the manufacturer of your new machine to see if they will take yours. Otherwise the Environmental Protection Agency is always willing to provide you with information on where to dispose of your computer.

Computer and IT Support

Computers and IT (Information Technology) in general are a very big part of a lot of business in today's world, they are used all of the country and worldwide for a number of different purposes. As with all technology they carry the risk of going wrong and not only that but some people simply find them hard to use and do not understand their operation.

To some people a computer can be a daunting prospect and to others the operation of them can come second nature. However if you fall in to the category of maybe needing a little help then there are a lot of companies out there that can offer you help. Often they are support lines, you call the company up and an operator will pick up, from here you explain your problem to them or what you need help with. Some companies will try and help you from this point, but larger support companies will often work out which department you need (from what you told them) and transfer you through.

More than often they will be able to help you there on the spot, they will explain what you have to do and run through it with you on the phone whilst you do what they tell you. In the odd case the problem cannot be solved some companies will be able to send out a technician to help you.

Be warned, these businesses operate a premium rate phone line, make sure you check how much the call will cost you per minute before calling.