4 Tips to Get More Views on a YouTube Video

How to get more views on a YouTube video?

Video marketing has become one of the most important assets in the networking world and there's no better place than YouTube to get your business going. But in actuality, it's not so easy to gather subscribers for your channel unless and until you promote it with good content. Speaking of which, here are few ways to increase those views on your YouTube videos and entice people to click on that subscribe button. A lot of businesses uses YouTube. Users of YouTube are increasing continuously and its user ratio will grow further with the time.

Interact with people on YouTube

YouTube means watching videos! This is the biggest myth that needs to broken. YouTube is itself a social networking site where you can interact with people or groups relevant to your niche. Search for videos similar to the ones you post, comment on it and leave an advice with your video's link at the footer. This way you'll get a significant amount of organic traffic and this way your Alexa will improve.

Content is the king

This statement remains universal and evergreen and will remain the same forever. If you give your audience something worth a watch, they will definitely recommend it to others through sharing on Facebook or Twitter. One quality video is ten times better than hundred pieces of crap; you never know that could go absolutely viral in few hours.

Tag, title and description

You can do all the hard work to formulate a mind-blowing video, but if you are unable to impress the search engines with the key words, you may have done it all wrong. Add a proper title to your video and make use of the Google keyword tool to sort out the low competition and high search volume keywords. Use them in the description and tag them along with the video. This could well be a difference between thousands of views and hundreds of subscribers.

Social networking sites

Nowadays, social networking sites have become a hub of marketers. Anything new and it goes absolutely viral within minutes. Get a Facebook or a twitter page for your business; build an audience on the merit of your video and let that number roll with every share and like. Google or any other search engine loves organic traffic and there's no better way than this to get it.

Choosing an Excellent SEO Company

If you have a business online, you will understand the importance of always being able to attract a steady flow of new business. This ensures that income remains steady and at a level to let your company continue to operate. This article suggests ways to identify an excellent SEO company to work with.

SEO is a specialist method of raising the visibility of a website or e-commerce company so that it is more attractive to a target audience. This is done by implementing a range of tactics designed to improve a website's rankings on the search engines, and by increasing natural activity on a company's website and social media platforms.

Choosing the best team to work with requires care and research. If you have a solid network of business colleagues, it is always worth asking for a recommendation. You can also go online and search for a reputable company. The best companies will have excellent websites which give detailed information about their services. They should also have a blog with informative articles. In addition, look for genuine feedback from clients who have successfully worked with the team before. You should also do a search online for that company, just to make sure there is no negative information about it.

By doing this you will be able to find a good team with an excellent reputation and you are more likely to avoid the disreputable companies.

Once you have chosen a few companies, get in touch with them and ask them about their services. You are looking for a company that offers a wide range of services that can be used to create a specific plan for your company. A good SEO team will be keen to work with you to establish your needs. They will take the time to find out about your business and then develop a plan that suits your timescales, budgets, and your aspirations.

Make sure you do not hire a company that uses unethical techniques. These are illegal activities which can be extremely damaging to your company. They involve spam, fake back links, and keywords stuffing. They can also involve fake followers and other underhanded techniques. Fortunately, the search engines are more capable of spotting this unethical activity. However, you still need to take care not to choose a company that operates in this way. If you are caught, it is your company that will be penalized by the search engines, not the SEO provider.

If you are unsure, simply ask questions. The best teams will be more than happy to answer them for you. They will also be able to give you examples of previous work for clients. A team with an impressive portfolio, an excellent team of gifted professionals, and an excellent reputation, will have all the information to give you and be able to answer your questions quickly.

By working with an excellent team, you will be giving your business every chance for success online. If you want to increase sales, grow your customer base and build the recognition of your band, a good SEO team will be able to help you.

Advantages of UNIX

UNIX is an operating system (OS) that AT&T's Bell Labs first introduced in 1969. Since then many competitors have emerged in the marketplace, including derivatives, such as the various flavors of Linux. Nevertheless, UNIX remains an important aspect of study at most network administration colleges, and the reason for this is the many advantages that the OS still provides in the real world and in academic environments.


The architects developed UNIX from the ground up in a very secure way. The account system and user verification mechanism are part of the UNIX foundation. What this means is that UNIX defends against most exploitations at a very basic level, and programs lack the privilege to undermine that approach.

Full Multitasking and Protected Memory

One of the greatest advantages UNIX provides is the capability to run multiple programs for multiple distinct users without those instances interfering with each other or the overall operation of the OS. UNIX is a true multitasking environment with full support for multiple users and instances.

Virtual Memory

The approach to virtual memory used by UNIX remains one of the most efficient strategies to achieve this goal. Although some believed that access to greater amounts of memory and greater memory affordability would eventually diminish this advantage, that hasn't been the case. In fact, modern memory-hungry applications have been able to make even better use of the UNIX virtual memory system.


UNIX includes a rich set of utilities and commands. The emphasis here is on isolating the core purpose of a feature. Even if UNIX were not still so widely popular, would likely still teach it in order to use this compartmentalization at a teaching platform for fundamental concepts.


The true power of the small app approach used by UNIX is that the user can string these apps together in an unlimited fashion. In other words, UNIX users are able to generate individualized user experiences in a much easier and more efficient manner than most other platforms allow for. UNIX also has a very lean kernel, which means that users can actually tailor the OS to their specific needs, hence Linux.

Unified File System

Another powerful and fundamental advantage of UNIX is the unified file system. In UNIX, everything is a file, and that includes data, programs, including specific instances, and even actual devices, such as disk drives and printers. These files exist within a nested tree of files, regardless of how many physical devices are present, and that allows the user a very unique and precise control over the system.


Lastly, UNIX is a highly compatible and portable OS, and it arguably remains the most truly portable computing platform. After all, it can be fashioned to run on almost any hardware, and most modern portable devices are using a platform that is inevitably derived from UNIX. Another advantage of the small kernel mentioned earlier is that it can remain small, which makes it suitable to environments that lack a lot of memory, storage space and processing power.

Reasons Why Businesses Use Wireless Headsets

Everyone knows that communication is essential in every aspect of life. Surely, without clear communication, messages cannot be clearly expressed and needs are compromised. With this said, business owners know that they need to invest in devices and gadgets that can help them improve communication in their business such as headsets.

As of today, business owners can choose from 3 distinct headsets - corded, wireless and Bluetooth. These headsets can definitely provide wonderful features for your business. However, when choosing headsets, price is essential. Buyers should also consider certain factors that can make their businesses more efficient. As a result, the ideal type of headset for businesses is wireless headsets. Listed below are some of the reasons why businesses choose wireless headsets.

Mobility - The most essential factor why businesses choose wireless headsets is mobility. Of course, employees can easily take calls wherever they are in their work area. In addition, even during break times, employees can take calls easily to avoid losing potential clients on the other end of the line.

Productivity - Employees can also have better work flow and increased productivity. This is possible since employees do not need to hold the phone for long hours talking to clients. Thus, they can efficiently communicate to their clients while they are busy doing other tasks at the office. Hence, businesses can provide better and faster services to their clients.

Efficiency - Wireless headsets nowadays provide numerous features, helping businesses gain benefits from it. For example, headsets such as the Jabra Pro 9470 wireless headset can be connected to desktops, smartphones and even phone systems at the same time. With this feature, employees can easily take and switch calls to cater to the needs of their clients.

Safety - Since wireless headsets do not use cord, employees can improve the safety in their work area. Not to mention, since the headsets are wireless, work desks are tidier to avoid unexpected accidents that may ruin your tasks.

Reliability - Business owners can also have the chance to find the best headset for their business since there are lots of manufacturers and models that provide exceptional features for businesses. Aside from that, since you are opting for a top-class manufacturer, you are also sure that headsets are sturdy and durable.

Choosing Your Application Monitoring Tool

Application monitoring can provide helpful pointers when it comes to mapping performance. However, choosing the right one for your business can get tricky. This is especially true for enterprises or small-sized businesses where there is not enough time or bandwidth to support thorough and comprehensive research. As a result, application monitoring tools too may be adopted and implemented without adequate thought being given to whether they will actually help or not.
With cloud computing already gaining popularity due to the flexibility it offers, application monitoring takes on newer responsibilities. As a business owner, you may want to scrutinize your application monitoring reports to assess whether the end result indicates how to make your system more profitable or not.
Here are some questions to consider when choosing the monitoring tool for your application.
Define how the monitoring report will help you
You can begin by revisiting your business objectives. This exercise should help you answer the critical question of what problems at the application level you expect to resolve with the help of your monitoring tool. Do you need to improve speeds of delivery or do you deal directly with clients and thus, need to learn of potential problems before it affects the end customer? Do you need to reduce costs of operation?
This will also determine the level of monitoring you need: at the system level, at the user level, etc.
In case of a failure, what can be done?
What do you expect to do in case of system failure? Issue a warning to your clients and customers? Do you want to troubleshoot the issue before it impacts users? Do you have to manage the expense alongside, by keeping down the damage caused by the issue?
You need to make sure your application monitoring system raises the right alerts and also allows you technical support. Note that not all monitoring systems will allow you perfect tech support. You need to specify that your agreement with the monitoring system provider entails reliable tech support.
Will it fit my budget?
Once you are done defining your objectives, you can choose whether the features of a particular application monitoring tool match your needs and whether it can actually help productivity or not. Based on whether the tool would help you manage productivity, you can decide whether the tool is expensive or worth its cost for your business needs.
Monitoring the right parameters
Once you are done outlining and defining your needs, there are a few other factors to keep in mind and which your monitoring tool should be equipped to handle:
> Monitoring the equipment used by the application for analyzing free space, CPU usage, etc.
> Keeping track of the number of users for the application, speed of everyday transactions and processing, etc.
> Keeping track of performance and raising an alert in case of a system failure
Keep in mind that it is not just the quality of the analysis the monitoring tool will provide, speed of reporting is equally important. Other vital areas to consider when setting a budget include whether your tool will maintain a report (history), integrate effectively with third party systems, etc.

Encouraging Kids to Read

A number of newspapers and journals from the New York Times to Business Insider to CBS have reported on the decreasing frequency at which children and students read books. Other media options such as movies and television provide much more flash and entertainment, but books aren't exactly about to become outdated.
Part of the challenge is just in reintroducing kids to reading and showing them how great it can be. Many of them have gotten a bad taste of it from school where they are required to read things that they hate and are penalized if they don't pay attention. They associate reading with laborious and tedious work. Fortunately, you can help them to learn the value of books in a number of ways.
Don't Think Easy, Think Fun
Often times, when people start trying to get kids to read, they think about how easy the book is to read. This is a mistake. A book can be very easy to read, but if it is not exciting, then it might as well be written in Greek. Instead, look for whether the book is engaging and fun. It needs to be about a topic that kids will enjoy. Don't assume that it has to be new either. Old books like Treasure Island and other popular classic novels may be a good choice. If possible, match it to the child's interests.
Have a Film Reward
This year, sequels to the Hunger Games and Percy Jackson will be coming out in theaters. If your kids have not read these books yet, have them read the books and make the movie a reward. Make it up into a fun event with pizza or ice cream afterward. Over the pizza or ice cream, discuss how the movie and the books differed. Your kids will probably have some surprising insights. Just make sure that you take the time to read it as well.
Talk About It and Have Fun
Kids don't like being tested or given pop quizzes. But when they enjoy a story, they love sharing about it. They also want to know that you are proud of them. To accomplish this, you will need to make sure that you read the book. This way you can carry on an intelligent conversation. Also make sure that you allow your kids to form their own opinions about the characters and the events. You might think that they should identify with certain characters or have particular opinions, but part of the point of reading is for your kids to learn how to develop thoughts on their own.
Give Them the Freedom to Choose
Sometimes the best way to make sure that your kids read is to give them the choice in books. It's not a dangerous choice, and it gives them the freedom that so many kids crave. You need to make sure that you explain why you are giving them the choice and what you expect from them. Make sure to incorporate fun and not "this is what you have to do." Also don't discourage your child if he wants to read a book that you might think is too challenging. Let him try it. He may surprise you both.
Read in Front of Your Kids
One of the best ways to demonstrate that reading is fun is to make sure that your kids see you reading. If they never see you reading, then they're likely to think that reading is just one of those things that they can get by without. You don't have to make a big scene of it. Just let them see that you do enjoy reading your own books. If they ask you questions about it, make sure that you engage them and discuss why you enjoy it.